Spare Parts & Service
Proactive maintenance is a pre-requisite for a trouble-free production. By regular reviews of the equipment expensive and unplanned production downtime can be avoided. Silver Weibull is together with their agents providing fast and adequate deliveries in combination with well educated servicetechnicians.

Spare parts for old equipment.
We are able to supply spare parts for our centrifugals sold since the early 1960´s and later. Our centrifugal has in the past been sold under the names Asea-Weibull, Asea centrifugals, Asea-Weibull, Asea-Landverk,Nils-Weibull,Silver-Engineering & Silver Centrifugals.
Please send us the model no. and the serial no. of your machine including a list of spare parts to be ordered to info@silver-weibull.se.